Ladies’ Coffee Mornings

We are a welcoming group of ladies that meet on the 1st Thursday of the month 10:30 a.m. – 12:00  in Saint John Payne  church hall


We often have speakers. e.g. from Mary’s Meals, the Fire Service, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Age Concern and the Food Bank.  We collect money and items for charities such as Beacon House. We help fill and pack backpacks for Mary’s Meals and support the charity with Fund raising efforts.


In October we hold a Macmillan Coffee Morning, which is another big fund raiser

We have a Christmas Lunch in December at a local restaurant and help at various social occasions in the Parish.


We occasionally have bring & buy sales and cake sales. Outings we have had include Hyde Hall, Winchester and Bury St Edmunds.

Everyone is welcome. Contact Maureen Bulmer on 01206 826491 for further details.

First set of Mary’s Meals Backpacks ready for collection
Second Set. Now collecting for third!