Shop (Repository)

Although the Repository is based within St John Payne Parish Church (Greenstead) it is open to the full Parish Community.


Within the Repository there are for sale numerous Christian and Holy items – books, rosaries, statues, cards for all occasions i.e. Mass Cards, Birthday, First Communion, Wedding, etc. all reasonably priced. Catalogues are available which enable Parishioners to choose items which can then be ordered for them.


Currently one of our Parishioners who worships at the Ardleigh Mass Centre takes a small stock of items which she places on show for Parishioners on a Sunday when they meet for coffee following Mass.


Opening times every Sunday, other times on request.

Please contact Ann Roughan for more information.

Ardleigh after-Mass coffee and biscuits

After the 09.00 Sunday Mass at Ardleigh, we have coffee and biscuits and a friendly chat and get together.


This takes place when the timing of the Anglican Service is earlier than our Mass on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month and is organised by a rota of people. All are welcome. If you would like to help, please talk to one of our talented Baristas!

Mistley after Mass coffee and biscuits

On Wednesday mornings Mass is celebrated at St Mary and St Michael’s Anglican church in Mistley at 9.45, preceded by morning prayer at 9.30.  We serve coffee/tea after Mass, then the Rosary is said by any who wish to stay.

Art Group & Gallery

Ann’s impression of George advising on colour mixing
Ann’s impression of George advising on colour mixing
Poppies Judy Hemming-Allen
Poppies Judy Hemming-Allen
We always look at what others are doing
We always look at what others are doing

Please check Photo Gallery Page for Gallery of art, gallery of pictures of the group.

Befriending and support group

This group welcomes all those who are suffering loss of any kind which might be for one or more many reasons.  The members of the group will listen and give support through friendship.  Confidentiality is strictly upheld.  We have occasional outings together and once a year attend a Quiet Day.  The group meets on the first Tuesday every month in the Parish Hall from 10.00am to 12.00 noon.

For details contact Judy Hemming-Allen

Ladies’ Coffee Mornings

We are a welcoming group of ladies that meet on the 1st Thursday of the month 10:30 a.m. – 12:00  in Saint John Payne  church hall


We often have speakers. e.g. from Mary’s Meals, the Fire Service, Guide Dogs for the Blind , Age Concern and the Food Bank.  We collect money and items for charities such as Beacon House. We help fill and pack backpacks for Mary’s Meals and support the charity with Fund raising efforts.


In October we hold a Macmillan Coffee Morning, which is another big fund raiser

We have a Christmas Lunch in December at a local restaurant and help at various social occasions in the Parish.


We occasionally have bring & buy sales and cake sales. Outings we have had include Hyde Hall, Winchester and Bury St Edmunds.

Everyone is welcome. Contact Maureen Bulmer on 01206 826491 for further details.

First set of Mary’s Meals Backpacks ready for collection
Second Set. Now collecting for third!

Wednesday Friendship Group

The Friendship Group began meeting in 2011. Its main objective was, and remains, to be an open resource to anyone who wishes to join.


Meetings are from 2.15—4.15 p.m. and there is a £2 charge to cover light refreshments. We also have a raffle, book exchange and lots of friendly discussion, love and laughter included!


Current membership is between twenty and thirty people from across the locality, meeting every second Wednesday of each month from February to December inclusive.


Members choose the activities for each session. These have included quizzes, speakers and singalongs as well as bingo and bring and buy sales.  In December there is Pre-Christmas Party with music and carols.


The volunteers are responsible for arranging a Christmas / New Year’s Lunch which takes place on the second Sunday of January each year. It is a very happy celebration, with a traditional two course roast dinner, wine, chocolates and coffee, as well as singing and festive music and a small prize for every guest! Usually about sixty Friends and Parishioners attend.

For more information, please contact Ann Roughan

The Farm Fun Day

This is a parish social event that takes place biannually at Cherry Tree Farm, Ardleigh, at the beginning of September. The aim is to bring parishioners and their families from across our parish together to enjoy a day of fun and games. Many participate enthusiastically in the various sports, games and activities on offer while others enjoy the gentler occupation of spectating.  A BBQ and tea tent are provided for food and refreshments, with live music f the music ministry. Car boot pitches are available as well as a large book stall to browse and other side stalls. The day ends with a tug of war and some uplifting praise and worship songs. Entry and activities are all free with donations gratefully received to help cover costs. Any profits go towards current parish projects. Next Farm Fun Day is September 2020.

Climate Change

Pope Francis wrote his Encyclical Laudato Si as a worldwide wake up call to help humanity understand the destruction that man is rendering to the environment and his fellow man. To paraphrase “….. So what we all need is an ‘ecological conversion’, whereby the effects of our encounter with Jesus Christ become evident in our relationship with the world around us. Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue; it is not an optional or a secondary aspect of our Christian experience”

Other Parish celebrations

Annual events include:

  • January 2nd Sunday Senior Citizens Christmas Party SJP Friendship Club Self Funding
  • February Quiz Evening D Bates/G Horgan Parish Funds
  • March St Patricks Party Music Group 50% Parish Funds/50% Local Charity
  • July/Sept Parish BBQ Music Group 50% Parish Funds/50% Local Charity
  • October McMillan Tea Parties Ladies Coffee/Friendship Club
  • November Quiz Evening D Bates/G Horgan Parish Funds
  • December Christmas Dinner Ladies Coffee Fr Berhane